Happiness is real, and it is rare

Vaishnavvi Viswanathan
3 min readSep 30, 2020


Happiness is not permanent, so are any other emotions — fear, sadness, anger, disappointment, etc. When a person feels any of these emotions, let them feel it, let them have their moment. They need to embrace how they feel and move on. Do not tell the person how they should feel. The reason is simple, you are not them. You are a different person; they are a different person. Everyone has their own emotions and they have their own way to deal with it. Don’t say something dismissive and ask them to feel otherwise. That will put them down. They can’t control how they feel. As a matter of fact, they shouldn’t control how they feel. It’s only natural. Repressing those emotions makes it even worse that it could possibly lead to depression or committing suicide.

Especially when a person is happy, because being happy or positive in today’s world we live in is rare. Let them be happy. Let them have that moment that is rare. Don’t say something dismissive and burst their bubble. If you do that, you are not genuinely happy that they are happy. Also, cherish those moments where a person is genuinely happy when you share something that makes you happy with them and they just let you have your moment. A person feeling happy just because another person is happy, oh, the positive aura around them, that is a lost art. Happiness is and should always be infectious.

Sometimes, we do it to ourselves as well. Don’t do that. Let yourself feel it. Whether it is a love for another person or hurt because of what one said. Don’t dismiss it by telling yourself that you are over thinking, or it is crazy, or it is no big deal. It might be a big deal to you and that’s okay. They say we are in a free country, right? But why do we never give ourselves the freedom of how we should feel? Give yourself that freedom. Let that emotion flow through your body. Don’t repress what is only natural. It’s important for your emotional health.

Human brain is wired in such a way that we almost always find a way to feel negative or go down the cynical road. It is also understood that being positive is a struggle in today’s world. There is no such thing that you feel negative or low because of all the negative people around you. That is not true. To be truly positive does not mean you surround yourself with positive people, it is you staying positive despite being around negative or cynical people. One can say something negative to you and you definitely have a choice to perceive that in a positive way. It is not what they say that upsets you, it is how you perceive them.

While it is hard to have your moment as we always have someone around who tends to burst our bubble easily or we are not strong enough to handle such emotions. However, I believe that you can rise above that and still have your moment of happiness or positivity. Therefore, when you feel any emotion, especially happiness, enjoy it, embrace it, don’t ever let yourself or anyone make it go away, because it is real, and it is rare.



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